Sally's song

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...osjećam da je nešto tamo u vjetru...
...osjeća se kao neka tragedija...
...unatoč želji da stojim kraj njega...
...nemogu se oslobodit toga osjećaja...
...najgore je iza kuta...

...dali primjećuje moje osjećaje do njega?...
...dali će vidjeti koliko mi znači?...
...mislim da toga neće biti...

...što će biti s tobom dragi prijatelju?...
...kamo će nas njegovi postupci odvesti?...
...iako bih voljela pridružiti se gomili...
...u njihovom poletnom oblaku...
...unatoč mome trudu, nema rezultata...

...dali ćemo ikada završiti zajedno?..., mislim da ne...nikada neće doći do toga....
...jer ja nisam the one...

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20.05.2009. u 21:25 | Broj komentara 4 | Print | # | ^

...its just me...

...govoreći volim te...
...nisu to riječi koje želim čuti od tebe...
...nije to da te ne želim... za reči, ali da bi barem znao...
...kako bi mi bilo lako pokazati što osjećaš...
...više nego riječi moraš pokazati kako bi bilo stvarno...
...tada nebi trebao reči da me voliš...
...jer bi znala...

...što bi napravio kad bi moje srce bilo na dva dijela...?
...više nego riječi pokazujući svoje osjećaje...
...da je tvoja ljubav za mene stvarna...
...što bi napravio kad bi te riječi povukla...?
...tada nebi stvari mogle biti bolje...
...samo govoreći volim te...

...više nego riječi...

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...sada sam probala razgovarati s tobom i objasniti ti sve...
...sve što trebaš napraviti je zatvoriti oči...
...samo ispružiti ruke i dotaknuti me...
...drži me čvrsto, ne puštaj me nikada...
...više nego riječi je sve što sam ti htjela pokazati...
...tada nebi trebao reči da me voliš...
...jer bi tada to znala...

...što bi napravio kad bi moje srce bilo na dva dijela...?
...više nego riječi pokazujući svoje osjećaje...
...da je tvoja ljubav za mene stvarna...
...što bi napravio kad bi te riječi povukla...?
...tada nebi stvari mogle biti bolje...
...samo govoreći volim te...

...više nego riječi....

02.11.2008. u 13:08 | Broj komentara 4 | Print | # | ^

...don't break me...

...zakopavam svoja stopala u pijesak...ocean izgleda poput tisuća dijamanata, prosipanih preko plave deke...naginjem se preko blagog povjetarca, pretvaram se da sam bez težine...u tom trenutku sam sretna...sretna...
...ja želim da si ovdje...
...prislanjam glavu na pijesak...nebo nalikuje nakošenoj nadstrešnici sa udubljenim rupicama...brojim nepoznate stvari na nebu...dajem im signal sa svijećom...u tome trenutku sam sretna...sretna...
...ja želim da si ovdje...
...svijet je obalni stanovnik valova....ja ne spadam u to...možda bih se trebala obazirati na to...ali moje ruke su zauzete i govore : ja želim da si ovdje...ja želim...ja želim da si ovdje...

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14.07.2008. u 18:19 | Broj komentara 3 | Print | # | ^

...whatever tommorow brings...i'll be there...

To see you when I wake up
Is a gift I didn't think could be real.
To know that you feel the same as I do
Is a three-fold, Utopian dream.

You do something to me that I can't explain.
So would I be out of line if I said "I miss you"?

I see your picture.
I smell your skin on
The empty pillow next to mine.
You have only been gone ten days,
But already I'm wasting away.
I know I'll see you again
Whether far or soon.
But I need you to know that I care,
And I miss you.

Incubus-I miss you

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28.06.2008. u 13:00 | Broj komentara 2 | Print | # | ^

...WhO kNeW...

...uzeo si moju ruku...
...pokazao si mi kako...
...obećao si mi da ćeš biti tu...
...tako je...
...uzela sam tvoje riječi i povjerovala...
...u sve što si mi rekao...
...tako je...
...ako bi netko rekao nekoliko godina prije...
...tebe više nebi dugo bilo...
...ustala bi se i istjerala ih...
...jer nisu u pravu...
...ja znam bolje...
...ti si rekao zauvijek...
...zauvijek...tko zna...
...sjećaš se kada smo bili budale...?
...tako samouvjereni i cool... ne...
...da te barem još jednom mogu dodirnuti...
...da te mogu zvati prijateljem...
...dala bih sve...
...kada bi netko rekao broji svoja blagostanja...
...jer ona brzo nestanu...
...mislim da nisam znala kako...
...bila sam u krivu...
...oni znaju bolje...
...ipak si rekao zauvijek...
...zauvijek...tko zna...
...držim te zaključanog u srcu... ponovnog susreta...
...neću te zabotaviti prijatelju...
...što se dogodilo...
...ako bi netko rekao nekoliko godina prije...
...tebe više nebi dugo bilo...
...ustala bi se i istjerala ih...
...jer nisu u pravu i...
...onaj zadnji poljubac...
...cijenim ga...
...sve dok se opet ne sretnemo...
...vrijeme otežava, želim zapamtiti...
...zadržavam sjećanje na tebe...
...posjećuješ me u snu...
...tko zna...?

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22.03.2008. u 11:42 | Broj komentara 8 | Print | # | ^ in my room...

...ta zabava je stara i neprivlačna...
...sudionici su svi u bijelom i crnom...
...ti ulaziš u potpuno ispuhane boje...
...ništa nije isto nakon ove večeri...

...ako bi se svijet raspao...
...u mašovit i vrijedan vjetar...
...nebi promijenila stvari...
...sada kad si tu...

...da, ljubav je djelatnost ovdje u mojoj sobi...
...ovdje u mojoj sobi, ovdje u mojoj sobi...

...ti ulaziš i zatvaraš vrata za sobom...
...pokaži mi svijet koji je viđen sa zvijezda...
...kada bi svjetla samo malo bila prigušena...
...umorna sam od očiju koje su usmjerene na moje ožiljke...

...rozi tegljač usmjerava se u tvoj zasjek...
...glava se slobodno vrti kaj vražji vir...
...došla sam očekivajući sljedeće od ništa...
...hvala ti što si bio takav dečko...
...takav dečko...

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08.02.2008. u 08:40 | Broj komentara 9 | Print | # | ^

...let me in...i'll bury the pain...

Trying to believe
The scars unseen
The tears wash clean
You don't wanna breathe the air you breathe
You don't know how you'll live a life alone

She keeps holding on
Holding on to you
Let her breathe the air
Don't wanna be alone where do you belong
Anna Lee

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...zauvijek razdvojeni...
...zauvijek će stvari doći...
...natrag na početak...
...zauvijek najdraže...
...zauvijek nestalo...
...zauvijek vjeruj meni...
...tamo nemože biti nitko drugi...
...usprkos se ne žališ na sve...
...postoji izlaz iz toga...
...kako sjena slama koru...
...tvoja duša je moja zauvijek...
...zauvijek besmislene suze...
...zauvijek laži...
...zauvijek sramotan strah...
...ti nećeš proći...
...zauvijek nećeš pobjediti...
...zauvijek pokušaj...
...zauvijek živi u grijehu...
...ispod neba...

21.01.2008. u 23:27 | Broj komentara 22 | Print | # | ^


...svi imamo slabosti...
...neke od nas lako je prepoznati...
...pogledaj me u oči...
...i moli za oproštaj...
...napravit ćemo ugovor, nikad više nećemo izgovoriti tu riječ...
...da, ti si moj prijatelj....
...svi imamo nešto u čemu uživamo...
...osim ako ne uživamo jedan u drugome...
...kada slabost omota moj ego...
...znam da ćeš računati na mene od jučer...
...ako se okrenem u drugu stranu...
...iskopaj me iz dubine koja me pokriva...
...bolji dio mene...
...pjevaj ovu pjesmu...
...sjeti me da ćemo uvijek imati jedno drugog...
...kada više ničeg neće biti...
...svi imamo mučninu...
...pametni je napadaju i udvostručavaju...
...bez obzira kako jako se trudimo...
...svi imamo nekoga tko u nama uživa...
...osim ako ne uživamo jedan u drugome...
...kada mučnina omota moj ego...
...znam da ćeš se ponašati kao pravi liječnik...
...ako se okrenem u drugu stranu...
...iskopaj me iz dubine koja me pokriva...
...bolji dio mene...
...pjevaj ovu pjesmu...
...sjeti me da ćemo uvijek imati jedno drugog...
...kada više ničeg neće biti...
...jedan drugog...
...kada više...
...ničega neće biti...

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17.12.2007. u 14:58 | Broj komentara 17 | Print | # | ^

all good things come to an end

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...željela bih zatvoriti oči, biti ukočena...
...ali od tamo dolazi hladan vjetar...
...vrh najvišeg brežuljka danas... nije povjetarac, jer jako puše...
...da, želi od mene da odbacim čovječnost koju znam...
...gledaj toplinu koja polako odlazi...

...nemoj dopustiti svijetu da te porazi...
...ovdje nisu svi zajebani i hladni...
...zapamti zašto si došao i zašto si živ...
...iskusi toplinu prije nego što odrasteš...

...da li misliš da moram biti uz tu hladnu granicu?...
...i ostaviti svoju stazu strahova?...
...ili trebam držati glavu visoko...
...i odbaciti tugu usput u rječima...
...ostaviti zrak iza mene čist?...

...nemoj dopustiti svijetu da te porazi...
...ovdje nisu svi zajebani i hladni...
...zapamti zašto si došao i zašto si živ...
...iskusi toplinu prije nego što odeš...

...nemoj dopustiti svijetu da te porazi...
...ovdje nisu svi zajebani i hladni...
...zapamti zašto si došao i zašto si živ...
...iskusi toplinu prije nego što odrasteš...

...prije nego što odrasteš...
...kamo je otišla?...

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12.11.2007. u 17:49 | Broj komentara 12 | Print | # | ^ can scream but...nobody cares...

...tako je naporno živjeti jer svoju energiju najviše trošimo zbog pogrešnih uvjerenja i zabluda.... ljubav je vječna tema o kojoj se sanja, mašta i razgovara....
...svi želimo biti voljeni, ali pitanje je da li znamo voljeti....u svim našim umovima ljubav je dominantna tema.... maštamo o onome što nemamo, sanjamo i smišljamo načine kako da pijemo eliksir života s usana ljubavi... većina ljudi živi s nadom, koju smatraju priljevom svježe kreativne energije...daje nam vitalnost u borbi s problemom, neuspjehom i smrću... nada nas potiče na beskrajno traganje i vodi u propast...ona je kao zavodljiva pjesma morskih sirena, koja je navodila mitske junake u smrt...
...svatko voli nešto posebno....opsesija jednostranim prokletstvo je ljubavi, jer nema polovične ljubavi – ili voliš ili ne voliš...kad istrošimo objekte svog voljenja kroz navike i besmisleno ponavljanje, osjetimo prazninu u duši i čežnju da je ispunimo novim iskustvima...zašto se događaju takve deformacije čovjekovog odnosa prema drugom ljudskom biću...? to je zato što mi pokušavamo voljeti umom, a ne cijelim bićem....
...sreća je sklad tijela, uma i duš nije biće i nije cjelina, a mi smo sretni samo kao cjelina, kao potpuno biće....preko uma ne može se izlijevati ljubav – to je kao da oči upotrebljavamo za mirisanje ili nos za gledanje, odnosno, kada volimo umom, to je kao da ustima uzimamo sliku kruha da se najedemo...
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"...sjećam se da je jednom padala kiša... isprala je prašinu sa razrušenih kula moga srca čak i bolne uspomene....
...sjećam se te tople proljetne kiše i pitam se danas - zašto nikad nije isprala moje lice...
...zauvijek oprala te krvave suze - zašto su ostale...?
...želeći pobjeći od stvarnosti i pronaći utjehu u magli... Ja...
...i stojim nasred ulice, sama, ali ne izgubljena...
...nikako izgubljena...
...i šapne mi vjetar, ta izdajica bez odanosti "Ti voliš!"...
...želeći prognati te proklete misli, onako sama, stojeći na ulici osjetim...
...ja volim... uistinu volim..."

25.10.2007. u 14:29 | Broj komentara 19 | Print | # | ^

...come to me...make me believe...

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14.10.2007. u 13:28 | Broj komentara 13 | Print | # | ^


...hladnoća...ležim u svome krevetu...gledam u tamu...izgubljena...čujem korake iznad glave...i sve moje misli se vraćaju...opet...kao dijete koje bježi, i neće se više vratiti...vrijeme prolazi, noć se pretvara u dan...ja sam tako daleko, i tako sama...moram vidjeti tvoje lice, da me održi zdravom, da me održi čitavom...pokušavam ostati živa, sve dok ne čujem tvoj glas...netko neka mi kaže žašto sam odabrala ovaj život, tu površnu laž...konstantan kompromis, beskonačna žrtva...bol...žalosti me saznanje...bespomoćnost koju osjećaš...tvoja svjetlost...svijetli u mojoj duši...u vrijeme kada gori tisuće svijeća...izvan napuštene sobe...kiša polako pada...samoća iznuta, raste iz trenutka u trenutak...ti si tako daleko...i tako sam...čezneš za zagrljajem ljubavi...da te održi zdravim, da te održi čitavim...pokušavam ostati živa, sve dok ne čujem tvoj glas...netko neka mi kaže zašto sam odabrala ovaj život, tu površnu laž...konstantan kompromis, beskonačna žrtva...trenutci izgubljeni...izolirani...vrijeme bježi...beskonačna žrtva...preko udaljenosti, pokušavamo ostvariti osjećaj da sve to preživljavamo zajedno...dok živimo razdvojeno...sve što si napustio i sve što si učinio...tako da mogu živjeti izvana, taj besmrtni san...neće biti zaboravljeno ili uzeto pod tuđu vlast...uvijek ću pamtiti tvoju beskonačnu žrtvu...trenutci izgubljeni...izolirani...vrijeme bježi...beskonačna žrtva...

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02.10.2007. u 20:00 | Broj komentara 12 | Print | # | ^

...take the pain away...

...čini se kao da je bilo jučer kad sam vidjela tvoje lice...rekao si mi kako si ponosan, a ja sam samo odšetala dalje...da sam samo znala ono što znam sada...
...ja bih te držala u rukama...ja bih otjerala bol....hvala ti na onome što si učinio...oprosti mi moje pogreš postoji ništa što mogu učiniti, samo da ti čujem glas...ponekad te želim zvati, ali znam da nećeš biti ondje...
...žao mi je za sve ono što nisam mogla učiniti, i povrijedila sam sebe s time što sam povrijedila tebe...ponekad se osjećam tako slomljeno, ali ne želim priznati...ponekad se želim samo sakriti, jer mi nedostaješ...ti znaš da je teško reći zbogom kada dolazi do toga...
...dali bi mi rekao da sam bila u krivu...? dali bi mi pomogao razumijeti...? dali me gledaš odozgo...? dali si ponosan na mene...? ne postoji ništa što nebih učinila samo da imam još jednu šansu...da te pogledam u oči i da mi uzvratiš pogled...
...žao mi je za sve ono što nisam mogla učiniti...povrijedila sam sebe...da imam samo jedan dan, rekla bih ti kako mi nedostaješ od onog dana kada si jednostavno nestao iz mojeg života...izvan granica su pokušaji da vratim vrijeme natrag...
...žao mi je za sve ono što nisam mogla učiniti...povrijedila sam sebe...povrijedivši tebe...

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16.09.2007. u 15:26 | Broj komentara 13 | Print | # | ^ different way to go...

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Hello again
Why so old
Wasn't time your friend
I must be told
Hello again
It seems so long
Since we last met
How has it gone
Don't accept the blame
I would
I would not complain

Cause I'm sure it wasn't your own fault
That you never made it out your fall
Just lock the door and find some time to scream
To scream again

Just say when
And you'll stop the pain
Of your life
Bring it to an end
Just say when
And you can make amends
Just say hello
Say hello again

Hello again
It's not that hard
No dead ends
Even with the scares
Don't accept the blame
I would
I would not complain

Cause I'm sure it wasn't your own fault
That you never made it out your fall
Just lock the door
Find some time to scream

Just say when
And you'll stop the pain
Of your life
Bring it to end
Just say when
And you could make amends
Just say hello
Say hello again

You have no home
You've lost your throne
Where has it gone
Well, it could come back
But you're being there
By the walking dead
Stumble as you crack the ground
You'll be down

Just say when
You could stop the pain

Just say when
And you could make amends
Just say hello
Say hello again
(Hello again)
It's not the end if you just say hello again...

07.09.2007. u 22:48 | Broj komentara 10 | Print | # | ^

...nothing last forever...

evo, Ana mora neku štafetu ispuniti...dobila sam ja tu štafetu od Mašle :)
pa da započnem...

PET REČENICA O SEBI :jakooooooo mrzim pauke,moj najveći strah...
uživam slušajući muziku,...volim pomagati ljudima, pa i onima koje baš i ne podnosim (to mi je velika greška)...obožavam prirodu,životinje,pogotovo velike peseke...dobra i mirna cura :-P

Da bi mi zlatna ribica mogla ispuniti 3 želje, to bi bile: Incubus koncert definitivno ! ehm, posjet Novom Zelandu i posjet nekoj predivnoj pješćanoj plaži s palmicama i tako to :-P haha

Što te na ljudima prvo privuče?- pa...najviše me privuče njihova osobnost, njihovo ponašanje i gledanje na svijet...njihovi stavovi...a po izgledu,kao i kod večine ljudi - oči...

Gdje se vidiš u budućnosti?- iskreno,nemam pojma..dalekoooooo

Bez kojih ljudi nebi mogla živjeti?-moji najbliži....familly and stuff :)

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evo to bi bilo to...opet nebudem nikome proslijedila...kaj vas nebudem mučila s tim,heh sretan

26.08.2007. u 12:59 | Broj komentara 5 | Print | # | ^

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godina_sad već 20...staram se haha :D
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The rain outside reminds me of your voice
Like everything I hear since you're not there
And distance doesn't leave me any choice
Than to meet you in a dream we still can share
In my dream I see your smile
But when I open up my eyes
I can't see anyone
Now that you have gone away
I wonder if we'll reach the day
That you will realize that we belong

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If I smile and don't believe
Soon I know I'll wake from this dream
Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken
Hello I'm the lie living for you so you can hide
Don't cry

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I never seem to understand
The time, the place and who I am
Define a way to stay alive
It's like I'm living a lie

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Came in from a rainy Thursday
On the avenue
Thought I heard you talking softly
I turned on the lights, the TV
And the radio
Still I can't escape the ghost of you
What has happened to it all?
Crazy, some are saying
Where is the life that I recognize?
Gone away
But I won't cry for yesterday
There's an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find
And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world
I will learn to survive
Passion or coincidence
Once prompted you to say
"Pride will tear us both apart"
Well now pride's gone out the window
Cross the rooftops
Run away
Left me in the vacuum of my heart
What is happening to me?
Crazy, some'd say
Where is my friend when I need you most?
Gone away
But I won't cry for yesterday
There's an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find
And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world
I will learn to survive
Papers in the roadside
Tell of suffering and greed
Here today, forgot tomorrow
Ooh, here besides the news
Of holy war and holy need
Ours is just a little sorrowed talk
And I don't cry for yesterday
There's an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find
And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world
I will learn to survive
Every one
Is my world, I will learn to survive
Any one
Is my world, I will learn to survive
Any one
Is my world
Every one
Is my world

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You stole my pure intention
You are the sickness in between
Let me in, I'll bury the pain
You taught me to be sad at you
You almost made me take it all
Let me in, I'll bury the pain
You bend me and you shake me
You beg me then you break me
Let me in, I'll bury the pain
You made me feel like a sinner
Now you fear you'll die alone
Let me in, I'll bury the pain
The sickness that you are
The plague that made me starve
You think you can show me how I've come this far
I feel it's taking over
Everything falls dark
Break me open
The desperate cry

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This battered room I've seen before
The broken bones they heal no more, no more
With my last breath I'm choking
Will this ever end I'm hoping
My world is over one more time

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Such a lonely day
And its mine
The most loneliest day of my life
Such a lonely day
Should be banned
It's a day that I can't stand
The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life
Such a lonely day
Shouldn't exist
It's a day that I'll never miss
Such a lonely day
And its mine
The most loneliest day of my life
And if you go, I wanna go with you
And if you die, I wanna die with you
Take your hand and walk away
The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life
Such a lonely day
And its mine
It's a day that I'm glad I survived

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So don't debate, player straight
You know he really doesn't get it anyway
Gonna play the field, keep it real
For you no wait, for you no wait
So if you don't rate, just overcompensate
At least you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake
The world needs wannabees, so (hey, hey)
Do that brand new thing

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I am so alike you,
In so many ways.
I know I'm just a copy,
That carries on the stain.
But, We make the same mistakes.
Cause, We are one in the same.
But, We leave behind the stain.
I cannot seperate.
All that lies in me,
All that dies in me.
How can I live without you?
All that lies in me,
All that dies in me.
How can I live without you?
I am your mirror image,
I'm all you left behind
You made me what I am,
Then who the hell am I?
But, We make the same mistakes.
Cause, We are one in the same.
But, We leave behind the stain.
I cannot seperate.
All that lies in me,
All that dies in me.
How can I live without you?
Why, Yo no entiendo porque,
I know that our lives are the same,
Y mi vida,
Is just a guessing game
A dirty stain
That I cannot play.
But I follow your steps,
In the same way that you just walked away,
And pushed the way through.!
Do you think of me?
Do you dream of me?
I always dream about you.
Do you think of me?
Do you dream of me?
I always dream about you.
All that lies in me,
All that dies in me.
How can I live without you?
All that lies in me,
All that dies in me.
How can I live without you?

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I hate you. I hate you - shut up...
You think that I'm the one to blame
Everything I lose is just a piece of what there is
to gain
You think it's cool and all is fine
Now is the day when you pay, this is my time
I feel for you nothing but pain
I am what you will be, you are dying in me
I love you, I hate you, I miss you...
You're always thinking you're so perfect
Those thoughts drove me away from home
But if you put me through your tests
Then I will fade
I have nothing to say
But I feel like my mouth is wide open
Everything that is real
Comes around
Comes around...
Shut up...
Your stupid face just makes me sick
I see you changing every day
To fit into the newest clique
I know you, but everything you do
Is just a part of you, you'll never see the truth
I hate the way you make me feel
I hate the way you think you're real
Your one voice it destroys my one choice
You're always thinking you're so perfect
Those thoughts drove me away from home
But if you put me through your tests
Then I will fade
I have nothing to say
But I feel like my mouth is wide open
Everything that is real
Comes around
Comes around...
Tu vida es mia
Your fear is living here in me
Es que no entiendo come en la vida puedes acer
La paz entre nostros cuando no vas a decir
Y la gratitude que tu nunca vas a ver
Has now turned to hate
I have nothing to say
But I feel like my mouth is wide open
Everything that is real
Comes around
Comes around...
Shut up!

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I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends ...
They're in my head
I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cause so are you ...
We've broken our mirrors
Sunday morning is everyday for all I care ...
And I'm not scared
Light my candles, in a daze
'Cause I've found god
Hey, hey hey

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Something takes a part of me.
Something lost and never seen.
Everytime I start to believe,
Something's raped and taken from me... from me.
Life's got to always be messing with me. (You wanna see the light)
Can't they chill and let me be free? (So do I)
Can't I take away all this pain. (You wanna see the light)
I try to every night, all in vain... in vain.
Sometimes I cannot take this place.
Sometimes it's my life I can't taste.
Sometimes I cannot feel my face.
You'll never see me fall from grace
Something takes a part of me.
You and I were meant to be.
A cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes a part of me.
Feeling like a freak on a leash. (You wanna see the light)
Feeling like I have no release. (So do I)
How many times have I felt diseased? (You wanna see the light)
Nothing in my life is free... is free

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The sun is sleeping quietly
Once upon a century
Wistful oceans calm and red
Ardent caresses laid to rest
For my dreams I hold my life
For wishes I behold my nights
A truth at the end of time
Losing faith makes a crime
I wish for this night-time to last for a life-time
The darkness around me - shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you
Sorrow has a human heart
From my God it will depart
I`d sail before a thousand moons
Never finding where to go
222 days of light
Will be desired by a night
A moment for the poet`s play
Until there`s nothing left to say
NIGHTWISH-SLEEPING SUN - Myspace Layouts, Myspace Icons, Myspace Backgrounds!

Realized I can never win
Sometimes I feel like I have failed
Inside where do I begin
My mind is laughing at me
Tell me why am I to blame
Aren't we suppose to be the same
That's why I will never tame
This thing that's burning in me
I am the one who chose my path
I am the one who couldn't last
I feel the life pulled from me
I feel the anger changing me
Sometimes I can never tell
If I've got something after me
That's why I just beg and plead
For this curse to leave me
Tell me why am I to blame
Aren't we suppose to be the same
That's why I will never tame
This thing that's burning in me
I am the one who chose my path
I am the one who couldn't last
I feel the life pulled from me
I feel the anger changing me
I feel so enslaved
I really Tried
I did my time
I did my time
I did my time
I did my time
I did my time
I am the one who chose my path
I am the one who couldn't last
I feel the life pulled from me
I feel the anger changing me
Oh God, the anger's changing me
KORN-DID MY TIME - Myspace Layouts, Myspace Icons, Myspace Backgrounds!

I tried to discover a little something to make me sweeter
Oh baby refrain from breaking my heart
Im so in love with you
Ill be forever blue
That you give me no reason, you know youre making me work so hard
That you give me no . . . soul
I hear you calling
Oh baby please give a little respect to me.
And if I should falter, would you open your arms out to me?
We can make love not war, and live in peace with our hearts
Im so in love with you, Ill be forever blue
What religion or reason could drive a man to forsake his lover?
Dont you tell me no. . . soul.
I hear you calling
Oh baby please, give a little respect to me.
Im so in love with you
Ill be forever blue
That you give me no reason
You know youre making me work so hard
That you give me no. soul.
I hear you calling.
Oh baby, please give a little respect to me.
Oh baby, please give a little respect to me.
WHEATUS-LITTLE RESPECT - Myspace Layouts, Myspace Icons, Myspace Backgrounds!

Old loves they die hard
Old lies they die harder
I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had your angel
Your Virgin Mary undone
I`m in love with my lust
Burning angel wings to dust
I wish I had your angel tonight

I can see inside you, the sickness is rising
Don't try to deny what you feel
(Will you give in to me?)
It seems that all that was good has died
And is decaying in me
(Will you give in to me?)

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Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear
And I can't help but ask myself how much
I'll let the fear take the wheel and steer.
It's driven me before, and it seems to have a vague,
haunting mass appeal.
But lately I'm beginning to find that I
should be the one behind the wheel.
Whatever tomorrow brings,
I'll be there with open arms and open eyes, Yeah
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there..I'll be there.

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It's true, we're all a little insane.
But it's so clear,
Now that I'm unchained.
Fear is only in our minds,
Taking over all the time.
Fear is only in our minds but it's taking over all the time.
You poor sweet innocent thing.
Dry your eyes and testify.
You know you live to break me. Don't deny.
Sweet sacrifice.
One day I'm gonna forget your name,
And one sweet day, you're gonna drown in my lost pain.
Fear is only in our minds,
Taking over all the time.
Fear is only in our minds but it's taking over all the time.
You poor sweet innocent thing.
Dry your eyes and testify.
And oh you love to hate me don't you, honey?
I'm your sacrifice.
(I dream in darkness
I sleep to die,
Erase the silence,
Erase my life,
Our burning ashes
Blacken the day,
A world of nothingness,
Blow me away.)
Do you wonder why you hate?
Are you still too weak to survive your mistakes?
You poor sweet innocent thing.
Dry your eyes and testify.
You know you live to break me.
Don't deny.
Sweet sacrifice.

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Love hurts, love scars,
Love wounds, and marks,
Any heart, not tough,
Or strong, enough
To take a lot of pain,
Take a lot of pain
Love is like a cloud
Holds a lot of rain
Love hurts, ooh ooh love hurts
Im young, I know,
But even so
I know a thing, or two
I learned, from you
I really learned a lot,
Really learned a lot
Love is like a flame
It burns you when its hot
Love hurts, ooh ooh love hurts
Some fools think of happiness
Blissfulness, togetherness
Some fools fool themselves I guess
Theyre not foolin me
I know it isnt true,
I know it isnt true
Love is just a lie,
Made to make you blue
Love hurts, ooh,ooh love hurts
Ooh,ooh love hurts
I know it isnt true,
I know it isnt true
Love is just a lie,
Made to make you blue
Love hurts, ooh ooh love hurts
Ooh ooh love hurts
Ooh ooh...

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Oh, my life is changing everyday,
In every possible way.
And oh, my dreams, it's never quite as it seems,
Never quite as it seems.
I know I've felt like this before, but now I'm feeling it even more,
Because it came from you.
And then I open up and see the person falling here is me,
A different way to be.
Ah, la da ah...
I want more impossible to ignore,
Impossible to ignore.
And they'll come true, impossible not to do,
Impossible not to do.
And now I tell you openly, you have my heart so don't hurt me.
You're what I couldn't find.
A totally amazing mind, so understanding and so kind;
You're everything to me.
Oh, my life,
Is changing every day,
In every possible way.
And oh, my dreams,
It's never quite as it seems,
'Cause you're a dream to me,
Dream to me.
Ah, da, da da da, da, la...

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So you face it with a smile
There is no need to cry
For a trifle's more than this
Will you still recall my name
And the month it all began
Will you release me with a kiss
Have I tried to draw the veil
If I have, how could I fail
Did I fear the consequence
Dazed by careless words
Cosy in my mind
I don't mind
I think so
I will let you go
Now you shaped that liquid wax
Fit it out with crater cracks
Sweet devotion my delight
Oh, you're such a pretty one
And the naked thrills of flesh and skin
Would tease me through the night
Now I hate to leave you bare
If you need me I'll be there
Don't you ever let me down
Dazed by careless words
Cosy in my mind
I don't mind
I think so
I will let you go
And I touched your face
Narcotic mind from lazed Mary-Jane
And I called your name
Like an addicted to cocaine calls for the stuff he'd rather blame
And I touched your face
Narcotic mind from lazed Mary-Jane
And I called your name
My cocaine
I don't mind
I think so
I will let you go

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Son, she said, have I got a little story for you
What you thought was your daddy was nothin' but a...
While you were sittin' home alone at age thirteen
Your real daddy was dyin', sorry you didn't see him, but I'm glad we talked...
Oh I, oh, I'm still alive
Hey, I, I, oh, I'm still alive
Hey I, oh, I'm still alive
Oh, she walks slowly, across a young man's room
She said I'm ready...for you
I can't remember anything to this very day
'Cept the look, the look...
Oh, you know where, now I can't see, I just stare...
I, I'm still alive
Hey I, but, I'm still alive
Hey I, boy, I'm still alive
Hey I, I, I, I'm still alive, yeah
Ooh yeah...yeah yeah yeah...oh...oh...
Is something wrong, she said
Well of course there is
You're still alive, she said
Oh, and do I deserve to be
Is that the question
And if so...if so...who answers...who answers...
I, oh, I'm still alive
Hey I, oh, I'm still alive
Hey I, but, I'm still alive
Yeah I, ooh, I'm still alive
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

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I open my eyes
I try to see but I’m blinded by the white light
I can’t remember how
I can’t remember why
I’m lying here tonight
And I can’t stand the pain
And I can’t make it go away
No I can’t stand the pain
How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me
Everybody’s screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I’m slipping off the edge
I’m hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again
So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered
And I can’t explain what happened
And I can’t erase the things that I’ve done
No I can’t
How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

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